Value and ROIs of Rational solution for Enterprise Modernization

In the RETT team, we are dedicated at helping Enterprise Modernization customers make the jump of taking out their legacy tools and ease their switch for an IBM Rational-based solution. With a special focus on adoptions of Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions (RTC EE). A customer classification... (to be cont'ed) Customers we assist are likely... Continue Reading →

RTC EE deployment: where distributed and mainframe developers can work in the same place !

Last month, along with my colleague Tim Wilson, I met with a couple of customers in China. I wrote a previous blog post based on this business trip that recalled the importance of using the right terminology for the tool adoption. Customer under the impression that distributed and mainframe teams required separate CLM / RTC... Continue Reading →

RTC / RTC EE: adopt terminology first !

Last week,  I was on a business trip to China with a colleague of mine. We met multiple local IBM teams and visited a couple of financial customers. During our customer-facing sessions, questions raised by the customer were technical in essence which is... fair enough as we're part of the RETT (Rational Emerging Technologies Team).... Continue Reading →

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