RQM Test Lab Management: a cheat sheet

Recently, I've visited a Southern state of the US for a business trip. Among other topics, I've focused on the Test Lab management capabilities of RQM. I remember that, during my initial grasp of this part of RQM, the information provided in various places (see the References section below) helped me a lot. Nonetheless I... Continue Reading →

Direct access to CLM (RTC/RQM/RDNG/DM) Help / InfoCenter: a cheat sheet

Have you figured out that the CLM InfoCenter was relocated to a central Knowledge Center for a while now? As known by all of us (but often forgotten as well) the product documentation is the CORE/PRIMARY source of information (before reaching out to any other one). But last time you were questioning a specific feature... Continue Reading →

Value and ROIs of Rational solution for Enterprise Modernization

In the RETT team, we are dedicated at helping Enterprise Modernization customers make the jump of taking out their legacy tools and ease their switch for an IBM Rational-based solution. With a special focus on adoptions of Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions (RTC EE). A customer classification... (to be cont'ed) Customers we assist are likely... Continue Reading →

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