Rational EM products (RTC EE, RDz, RD&T, RAA, …): recommendations and “educated guesses” for limitations

In the past couple of years, I've helped customers in their adoption and deployments of CLM, RTC, RQM and RRC-DNG. Based on their recurrent questions for correct sizing and scalability handling, I shared some limits / educated guesses for limitations in the blog post "CLM,RTC,RQM,RRC: recommendations and “educated guesses” for limitations". Now that my focus has... Continue Reading →

CLM,RTC,RQM,RRC/RDNG: recommendations and “educated guesses” for limitations

As part of the Jumpstart team, I help our customers in their CLM adoption and deployments. Customers raise questions on the sizing of their CLM environment, the topologies to adopt, etc. The questions I hear most often are: "How many users (total or concurrent) can my CLM environment support ?" "RTC rollout at our company... Continue Reading →

(Tip for Jazz Administration) How to Jazz monitor your CLM 2011…

Sharing with you this interesting note I got from Eric Jodet, who is a member of the IBM Jazz Development - L3 Maintenance team. If you want to monitor your CLM 2011, you could start by : Checking the log feeds URL : http(s)://<server:port>/<app>/service/com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IFeedService?category=SystemLog Example of URLs: https://jts.mycompany.net:9443/jts/service/com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IFeedService?category=SystemLog https://ccm.mycompany.net:9443/ccm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IFeedService?category=SystemLog https://qm.mycompany.net:9443/qm/service/com.ibm.team.repository.common.internal.IFeedService?category=SystemLog Checking the server diagnostics URL : http(s):<server:port>/<app>/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.serverDiagnostics... Continue Reading →

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