Finding lost content in RTC SCM: the good references… and some rough way

For the past couple of months, I've acted as the Rational Team Concert (RTC) SME/expert for a small number of IBM interns developing for a promising project (around IBM BlueMix platform). Especially around the RTC project set up and more regularly on RTC SCM-related trainings and questions. In the past days, I've helped one of... Continue Reading →

Adopt Rational Team Concert (RTC) and RTC Enterprise Extensions (RTC EE) faster and better (Part 2/2)

This is the second article of series of two dedicated to Enterprise tooling adoption. In the first article, we've discussed some core concepts and results borrowed from social psychology field. We've noted how familiarity with a new tool is important to minimize resistance to adoption. In this second article, we provide some supporting material depicting... Continue Reading →

3 Things to know for facilitating Enterprise tool adoption (emphasizing the human and change management factors) (Part 1/2)

In my recent engagements with mainframe customers (and especially with the project managers in charge of the in-house deployment of Rational tooling), I identified a common pattern where we start speaking in-house processes and numbers (of developers or teams), their IT architecture, etc. but where - at some point of time - we take a... Continue Reading →

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